Kathryn Bellydancer Workshops-Release your Inner Diva - Basingstoke Bellydance
Workshops: Groups and One to One
Kathryn is available to teach workshops throughout the UK and can provide
workshops focusing purely on technique or teaching a choreagraphy.
Workshops are fun and provide a great environment for learning as a group or
one to one and can be tailored to suite beginner, intermediate and advanced dancers.
Below is a list of suggestions for technique workshops and/or choreagraphies:
- Baladi
- Modern Egyptian
- Classical Egyptian
- 'In the style of the Egyptian Stars' e.g. Samia; Tahia; Naima.
- Musical Interpretation; Introduction; Intermediate; Advanced.
- Arabic Rhythms; Introduction; Intermediate; Advanced
- Shaabi
- Drum Solo
- Isis Wings
- Veil and Fan Veil
- Performance Skills
A workshop is an opportunity for you to spend time focusing on a chosen area
of dance either by learning a choreography or techniques. The workshops I teach
are designed to provide you with the information you need to move forward in your
dancing and handouts are provided for all of my workshops.
Contact Kathryn at: bellydancer@btinternet.com
© Egyptian Bellydance - Kathryn 2018